- Optics
- Photonics
- Open access
- Scientific excellence
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Innovation
- Inclusivity
- Diversity
- Sustainability
- Ethical publishing
- Light-matter interaction
- Optical devices
- Spectroscopy
- Quantum optics
- Biomedical optics
- Optical communication
- Nonlinear optics
- Optoelectronics
- Optical imaging
- Nanophotonics
- Plasmonics
- Lasers
- Fiber optics
- Terahertz technology
- Solar energy
- Environmental optics
- Optical materials
- Data storage
- Photonic crystals
- Optical sensing.
- Optical micro/nano fabrication
- Optical metrology
- Imaging techniques
- Integrated photonics
- Computational optics
- Optics in astronomy
- Medical imaging
- Optical diagnostics
- Optical microscopy
- Optics in agriculture
- Optics in energy harvesting
- Photovoltaics
- Optomechanics
- Holography
- Optics in neuroscience
- Optical manipulation
- Optical biosensors
- Plasmonic biosensors
- Optical computing
- Optical data processing.
These keywords and sub-keywords reflect the diverse and broad scope of research areas that Compendium of Optics and Photonics will cover. From fundamental physics to practical applications, our journal aims to publish cutting-edge research that advances the fields of optics and photonics. We hope that our journal will become a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange, providing valuable insights and solutions to the challenges facing these fields.
- Ultrafast optics
- Quantum information
- Optical fibers
- Optical properties of materials
- Surface plasmons
- Nanotechnology
- Metamaterials
- Near-field optics
- Biophotonics
- Optical tweezers
- Optical waveguides
- Optics in chemistry
- Microscopy techniques
- Optical coherence tomography
- Imaging in biology
- Optical MEMS
- Optical computing
- Fiber lasers
- Optical spectroscopy
- Optical communication networks.
These keywords and sub-keywords cover a wide range of topics within the fields of optics and photonics, including fundamental research, applications, and emerging technologies. We aim to publish articles that explore new frontiers in these fields and contribute to scientific progress, innovation, and sustainability. Our journal will be a platform for researchers, practitioners, and innovators to share their latest findings and insights, collaborate on interdisciplinary research, and push the boundaries of what is possible in optics and photonics.
- Optical nanoscopy
- Optofluidics
- Optics in materials science
- Nonlinear optical microscopy
- Optical vortices
- Optical trapping and manipulation
- Optical frequency combs
- Plasmonic waveguides
- Quantum dots
- Optics in sensing and detection
- Photonic integrated circuits
- Femtosecond lasers
- Optics in biomedicine
- Optics in sensing and detection
- Optical biosensors.
These additional sub-keywords further highlight the diverse applications of optics and photonics in a range of fields, including materials science, biomedicine, and sensing and detection. As an open access journal, we are committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity in scientific research and publishing, and we welcome submissions from all researchers, regardless of their backgrounds, affiliations, or geographical locations. Our editorial team will strive to ensure that the highest standards of ethical publishing are met, including transparency, accountability, and integrity in the peer review process. We are excited to launch Compendium of Optics and Photonics and look forward to publishing high-quality research that advances these important fields and contributes to global scientific progress.
- Optical materials processing
- Optics in renewable energy
- Metamaterial-based devices
- Optical trapping and manipulation
- Solar cells
- Plasmonic nanoparticles
- Biomedical imaging
- Optical diagnostics and therapeutics
- Wavefront engineering
- Optical antennas
- Light scattering
- Optical coherence microscopy
- Photonic crystal fibers
- Attosecond optics
- Laser applications in industry and medicine.
These additional sub-keywords provide further insight into the topics that Compendium of Optics and Photonics will cover, including renewable energy, biomedical imaging, and industrial applications of optics and photonics. Our journal aims to publish research that is not only scientifically rigorous and innovative but also has practical implications and societal impact. We believe that scientific research should be accessible to all, and as an open access journal, we will provide free and unrestricted access to our articles. Our goal is to be a leading platform for the dissemination of high-quality research in optics and photonics and to foster a community of scholars and practitioners dedicated to advancing these fields for the betterment of society.
- Optical fibers for sensing
- Ultrafast lasers
- Optical communications and networks
- Terahertz optics
- Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
- Mid-infrared photonics
- Optical sensing of pollutants
- Quantum optics
- Optical biosensors for disease diagnosis
- Optics in agriculture and food science.
These final sub-keywords cover a variety of important and emerging research areas within the fields of optics and photonics. From ultrafast lasers and terahertz optics to quantum optics and optical biosensors for disease diagnosis, our journal seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the latest advances in these fields. We also aim to highlight the practical applications of optics and photonics in areas such as agriculture and food science, showcasing the potential for these fields to address global challenges. Our journal will prioritize high-quality research that is relevant, impactful, and contributes to the broader scientific community. We are excited to embark on this new venture and look forward to the contributions and collaboration of researchers, practitioners, and innovators from around the world.
- Optical sensors for structural health monitoring
- Imaging through turbid media
- Fiber optic sensors for temperature and pressure monitoring
- Ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter
- Micro and nanostructuring of optical materials
- Photonic crystal devices
- Nonlinear optics and solitons
- Quantum computing with photons
- Optical trapping for single-molecule studies
- Plasmonic nanosensors.
These sub-keywords further demonstrate the diverse range of topics that Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to cover. Optical sensors for structural health monitoring, fiber optic sensors for temperature and pressure monitoring, and plasmonic nanosensors are examples of how optics and photonics can be applied to monitor and detect physical phenomena. Imaging through turbid media, ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter, and nonlinear optics and solitons are examples of fundamental research that advance our understanding of optics and photonics. Quantum computing with photons, optical trapping for single-molecule studies, and photonic crystal devices are examples of emerging areas of research that have the potential to revolutionize the field of optics and photonics. Our journal will publish original research, reviews, and perspectives that cover these topics and more, providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and insights among researchers, practitioners, and innovators in optics and photonics.
- Optical sensors for gas detection and analysis
- Optical interconnects for data centers
- Light sources for imaging and spectroscopy
- Optical tweezers and their applications
- Plasmonic metasurfaces
- Quantum cryptography
- Optical properties of 2D materials
- Femtosecond laser micromachining
- Optical imaging of brain function
- Optical communications for space applications.
These additional sub-keywords highlight some of the specific applications of optics and photonics that Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to cover. Optical sensors for gas detection and analysis, plasmonic metasurfaces, and femtosecond laser micromachining are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for materials analysis and microfabrication. Optical imaging of brain function and quantum cryptography are examples of how optics and photonics can be applied to the life sciences and information security, respectively. Optical interconnects for data centers and optical communications for space applications are examples of how optics and photonics are becoming increasingly important for information and communication technologies.
Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research in these areas and more. Our journal is committed to open access and the advancement of the fields of optics and photonics for the betterment of society. We invite researchers, practitioners, and innovators from around the world to contribute their work and join us in this mission.
- Laser-based spectroscopy for chemical analysis
- Optical coherence tomography
- Nonlinear optical microscopy
- Optical microscopy of nanomaterials
- Solar energy conversion using optics
- Optical sensors for medical diagnostics
- Optical biosensors for food safety
- Optical communication networks for 5G and beyond
- Silicon photonics
- Spectral imaging.
These sub-keywords continue to highlight the broad range of topics that our journal Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to cover. Laser-based spectroscopy for chemical analysis, optical coherence tomography, and nonlinear optical microscopy are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for advanced imaging and analysis techniques. Optical microscopy of nanomaterials and silicon photonics are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for the development of advanced materials and devices.
Solar energy conversion using optics, optical sensors for medical diagnostics, and optical biosensors for food safety are examples of how optics and photonics can be applied to address pressing global challenges in energy, healthcare, and food safety. Optical communication networks for 5G and beyond and spectral imaging are examples of how optics and photonics are becoming increasingly important for advanced communication technologies and image analysis, respectively.
Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to publish high-quality research that covers these topics and more. We are committed to open access and the advancement of the fields of optics and photonics for the betterment of society. We invite researchers, practitioners, and innovators from around the world to contribute their work and join us in this mission.
- Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging
- Optical trapping for colloidal assembly
- Ultrafast spectroscopy of molecular dynamics
- Micro- and nanofluidics for optics and photonics
- Photonics for quantum information processing
- Polarization optics and applications
- Quantum dot lasers
- Biomedical imaging with optical coherence tomography
- Nonlinear optics in waveguide structures
- Optical sensors for environmental monitoring.
These sub-keywords continue to demonstrate the diversity and breadth of research topics that Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to cover. Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging, ultrafast spectroscopy of molecular dynamics, and nonlinear optics in waveguide structures are examples of how optics and photonics can be used to explore the dynamics and properties of materials and biological systems.
Optical trapping for colloidal assembly, micro- and nanofluidics for optics and photonics, and photonics for quantum information processing are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for advanced manufacturing and quantum technologies. Polarization optics and applications, quantum dot lasers, and biomedical imaging with optical coherence tomography are examples of how optics and photonics can be applied to a wide range of areas, including communication, sensing, and medicine.
Optical sensors for environmental monitoring is an example of how optics and photonics can be used to address pressing global challenges related to climate change and environmental sustainability. Compendium of Optics and Photonics is committed to publishing high-quality research in these areas and more, and to advancing the fields of optics and photonics for the betterment of society. We invite researchers, practitioners, and innovators from around the world to contribute their work and join us in this mission.
- Spectroscopy and imaging in the infrared region
- Plasmonics and metamaterials for photonics
- Optomechanics and cavity optomechanics
- Optics and photonics for cultural heritage
- Imaging and sensing in harsh environments
- Optical coherence elastography
- Quantum optics and quantum information
- Microscopy and imaging of living cells and tissues
- Integrated photonics for sensing and communication
- Advanced optics for astronomical telescopes.
These sub-keywords further demonstrate the wide range of research topics that Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to cover. Spectroscopy and imaging in the infrared region, plasmonics and metamaterials for photonics, and optomechanics and cavity optomechanics are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for the development of advanced materials and devices.
Optics and photonics for cultural heritage, imaging and sensing in harsh environments, and advanced optics for astronomical telescopes are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for cultural preservation, environmental monitoring, and space exploration. Quantum optics and quantum information, optical coherence elastography, and microscopy and imaging of living cells and tissues are examples of how optics and photonics can be applied to a wide range of areas, including communication, sensing, and medicine.
Integrated photonics for sensing and communication is an example of how optics and photonics can be used to develop highly integrated and compact systems for sensing and communication applications. Compendium of Optics and Photonics is committed to publishing high-quality research in these areas and more, and to advancing the fields of optics and photonics for the betterment of society. We invite researchers, practitioners, and innovators from around the world to contribute their work and join us in this mission.
- Optics and photonics for renewable energy
- Nanophotonics for optoelectronics
- Single-photon sources and detectors
- Plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy and sensing
- Optical fibers for sensing and communication
- Ultrafast laser fabrication of micro/nanostructures
- Terahertz communication and sensing
- Optical neural interfaces
- Optical manipulation and control of matter
- Photonic crystals and periodic nanostructures.
These sub-keywords highlight some of the cutting-edge research areas that Compendium of Optics and Photonics aims to cover. Optics and photonics for renewable energy, nanophotonics for optoelectronics, and plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy and sensing are examples of how optics and photonics can be used to address important challenges in energy, electronics, and sensing.
Single-photon sources and detectors, terahertz communication and sensing, and photonic crystals and periodic nanostructures are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for advanced communication, sensing, and information processing. Optical fibers for sensing and communication, ultrafast laser fabrication of micro/nanostructures, and optical manipulation and control of matter are examples of how optics and photonics can be used for advanced manufacturing and material science.
Optical neural interfaces is an example of how optics and photonics can be applied to the development of advanced medical technologies for the treatment of neurological disorders. Compendium of Optics and Photonics is committed to publishing high-quality research in these areas and more, and to advancing the fields of optics and photonics for the betterment of society. We invite researchers, practitioners, and innovators from around the world to contribute their work and join us in this mission.
Top of Form.
- Nonlinear optics and frequency conversion
- Quantum sensing and metrology
- Novel optical materials and devices
- Ultrafast spectroscopy and dynamics
- Quantum dot lasers and light emitting diodes
- Biophotonics and biomedical optics
- Optical sensors and biosensors
- Optical coherence tomography and angiography
- Nonlinear microscopy and imaging
- Silicon photonics.
- Optical communication and networking
- Quantum cryptography and information processing
- Optical computing and information storage
- Metamaterials and metasurfaces
- Holography and 3D imaging
- Laser-based manufacturing and processing
- Spectroscopy and sensing of atmospheric gases
- Plasmonic and metamaterial-enhanced photovoltaics
- Optics and photonics for astronomy and space science
- Topological photonics.
- Optomechanics and optofluidics
- Femtosecond laser processing and micro/nanofabrication
- Quantum optics and information
- Optical trapping and manipulation
- Optical metamaterials for energy harvesting
- Plasmonics for nanoscale imaging and sensing
- Ultrafast laser spectroscopy and microscopy
- Microscopy and imaging for materials science and engineering
- Light-matter interactions in two-dimensional materials
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence for optics and photonics.
- Nonlinear optics and photonics
- Optics and photonics for renewable energy
- Biophotonics and biomedical optics for diagnosis and treatment
- Optics and photonics for environmental monitoring
- Optics and photonics for agriculture and food science
- Novel optical materials and devices
- Optics and photonics for cultural heritage preservation
- Optical sensors for industrial and commercial applications
- Quantum emitters and light-matter interactions in nanostructures
- Optics and photonics for national security and defense.